For all your life events
My Monthly Recipes Below
Event Providers
Event Providers
These are great vendors I have worked with,
who exhibit professionalism, perfection and excellence in what they do.
Whispering Springs wilderness retreat – whisperingsprings.ca
141 Mercer Lane Grafton, ON K0K2G0 905-349-1009
email: info@whisperingsprings.ca (Nina)
Occasions By The Bay – occasionsbythebay.ca
980 Hwy 2, Bayside, ON K8V 5P5 613-921-0715
email: occasionsbythebay@gmail.com
FARMTOWN PARK – Where Memories are Collected
437 West Front Street Box 174 Stirling ON K0K3E0
email: info@farmtownpark.ca613-395-0015
BLOOM FIELD GARDENS – bloomfieldgardens.ca
3745 Durham Regional Hwy 2, Newcastle, ON L1B0R2
email: katie@bloomfieldgardens.ca905-987-5664 ext 2
THE EDDIE HOTEL & FARM - https://theeddie.ca/
15786 Loyalist Parkway, Prince Edward County ON